
The EuComMeet Consortium

10 partners established in 8 different EU Member States

The EuComMeet Consortium gathered 10 partners established in 8 different EU Member States, coordinated by an experienced team at University of Siena (IT). The research teams belonging to the EuComMeet Consortium was perfectly suited to address the multi-disciplinary, interactive, and innovative research design of this ambitious project thanks to internationally recognized researchers in the fields, whose expertise is reflected in the award of several prizes and fellowships.

The consortium included 7 scientific partners from Universities or Research Institutes, representing disciplines including political science and sociology, as well as a non-academic partner and a non-profit organisation supporting the consortium in making the project relevant to a wider audience and involving citizens, key stakeholders and the general public.

All in all, EuComMeet Partners gave birth to a consolidated network based on previous experience of cooperation, while adding fresh energy to the team with incomers.

Third parties

Beyond the partner Institutions, the consortium benefitted from the contribution of Third Parties also outside Europe with unique expertise and extensive background on deliberative processes.

Meet our Team Members

EUComMeet means people: meet those making up our teams!

With a balanced representation of men and women scientists within each of the teams, members also include junior researchers together with senior ones, in order to encourage professional development in an international environment.

Coordination Team
Pierangelo Isernia

Professor at University of Siena

EuComMeet Project Coordinator

Francesco Olmastroni

Assistant Professor at University of Siena


Linda Basile

Research Fellow at University of Siena

Maria Cristina Addis

Research Fellow at University of Siena


PhD at University of Siena

Core Partners Team Members
André Bächtiger

Professor at University of Stuttgart

Work Package Lead: “Collection and analysis of data on past and current deliberative processes and development of new instruments”

Dr. Eva-Maria Trüdinger

Post-doctoral researcher at University of Stuttgart

Seraphine Arnold, M.A.

Academc Staff at University of Stuttgart

Anna Przybylska

Ph.D. at the Department of Sociology, University of Warsaw.

Yves Sintomer

Professor of political science at CRESPPA/Paris 8 University

Work Package Lead: “Strengthen European identity“


Lionel Cordier

Postdoctoral researcher at CRESPPA/Paris 8 University


Simona Costa

Head of Office at TOUR4EU

Work Package Lead: “Dissemination and communication”

Valeria Piantedosi

Project Manager at TOUR4EU


Yves Mathieu

Founder and Co-Director at Mission Publiques


Jane Suiter

Director of FuJo Media at Dublin City University

Work Package Lead: “Making people more reflective”


Dannica Fleuss

Postdoctoral Researcher at Dublin City University


Joan Font

Research professor at IESA-CSIC

Work Package Lead: “Effective contribution to the policy


Sara Pasadas

Researcher at at IESA-CSIC

In charge of Methodological Design

Ernesto Ganuza

Researcher at IESA-CSIC

Focus on citizen’s attitudes

Juan Antonio Domínguez

Technician at IESA-CSIC

Focus on Online Surveys


Kimmo Grönlund

Professor of Political Science and Director of Social Science Research Institute at Åbo Akademi

Work Package Lead: “Polarization”

Nanuli Silagadze

Postdoc at Åbo Akademi


Albert Weckman

Doctoral Student at Åbo Akademi


Shin Mazur

PhD Student at University of Warsaw

Borys Tencer

PhD Student at University of Warsaw


Panayotis Antoniadis

Co-founder of NetHood


Third Parties Team Members
Mark Warren

Professor at the University of British Columbia and Director of Participedia

Diego Gambetta

Professor of Social Theory and Chair of Collegio Carlo Alberto

Stefania Ravazzi

Associate Professor at Collegio Carlo Alberto